50 Followers Outfit!

Hello luvs! Today I have a very exciting post, I reached 50 followers! It may not seem like a lot, but I am incredibly grateful for all my followers! Thank you guys so much for reading my blog! I’ve met so many amazing people since I’ve starting blogging and I hope to meet more! So today I have a 50 follower outfit for you all! This outfit is super casual! It’s definitely nothing fancy, but I’d thought I’d add an outfit to this post!

50 Follows!

At the beach I was wearing purple shorts from Target, a tee shirt from Areopostale, and a pair of my favorite sunnies! (And of course a bathing suit underneath my clothing!) As you guys can see a ton of people were photo bombing my pic! 🙂


Again, I cannot thank you guys enough for all of the support I’ve gotten since starting my blog! I cannot thanks you guys enough! Hopefully soon I’ll be reaching the big 100! I be posting more outfits this week! Bye luvs! 🙂

-Miss GG 💋

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